These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. Custom Character Sheets from Chris “Mr.New Ritae, Blood Sorcery Rituals, Backgrounds, Predator Types, Clan and Faction-specific Loresheets.Alternate rules for Tzimisce and Salubri Antitribu.New rules for Paths of Enlightenment and descriptions of 12 different Paths-Six active in the Sabbat and six fallen into obscurity.An alternative history and Reformation of the Sabbat in modern nights.From a breakdown of the sect’s history and hierarchy to their current state as a lean, honed weapon against the tools of the ancients, everything you need to play Sabbat in Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition is here. While they harbor murderers and diablerists of all types, they are, at their core, a spiritual sect on a Holy War against ancient beings of terrible power and unfathomable agendas. Like all good antagonists, there is another side to the Sabbat. The Sword of Caine has often been viewed by the Camarilla as monstrous beasts that live only to diablerize and destroy.